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turning twenty

turning twenty: friendship 🌻

turning twenty Happy 2021! 🌻 Rather than celebrating new years, this post slash video slashes the second video for Fafa's turning twenty series (Calling it series makes it seems so official I am SO not comfortable with that), is made just to celebrate how lucky I am to be surrounded with such good-wonderful-whimsical-sometimes-annoying-but,still-amazing friends in my life. Forcedly spending a ton of time at home makes me realize that no matter how much I love to stay at home, most of the time I am the happiest when I am surrounded by my friends. Hehe. So, yeah. I may not have all of the good things in the world nor do I own everything I aspire to have, but one thing I can say very proudly and loudly is that for the past 19 years, I've been surrounded by an imperfectly perfect egg that I cherish a lot. Of course, I can't include all of the moments and this video may not feature you at all, but that is not because I don't want to. i f you need someone, or in this case,...

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